[HFDlist] Personnel Updates

rhall at holdenma.gov rhall at holdenma.gov
Mon Mar 4 12:49:32 UTC 2019


We have a couple of new personnel changes upcoming over the next month  
or so.  The 6th and final SAFER position has been filled by Connor  
Lyons who will be a FF/Paramedic.  Connor will be starting his career  
with HFD in the next couple of weeks and will be attending the MFA  
recruit program in May.  With the resignation of Derek Hirons, we have  
offered that position to an experienced, academy trained FF/EMT from a  
neighboring department and he will begin the physical and PAT process  
shortly with an anticipated start date of around April 1.  In the next  
week or so we are planning on advertising and posting for a new call  
auxiliary hiring with an anticipated start date of 7/1.  Any questions  
please let me know.


Russ Hall
Fire Chief
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
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