[HFDlist] FW: Contacting Selectmen

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Wed Dec 18 16:10:36 UTC 2019


See below from the Town Manager.  Please remember to follow the chain of command, if you have any issues that need to be brought to the Town Manager or above, please go through my office.


Chief Hall

Russ Hall
Fire Chief/EMD
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520

From: Peter Lukes
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2019 11:05 AM
To: plukes at holdenma.gov; Lori Rose; Rosemary Scully; Sharon Lowder; David Armstrong; Susan Scott; Denise Morano; John Woodsmall; dhickey at holdenma.gov; Pam Harding; sking at holdenma.gov; rhall at holdenma.gov; jparenteau at holdenma.gov
Cc: Selectman Renzoni
Subject: Contacting Selectmen

Hello Everyone,

It has come to my attention that some town employees have contacted 
members of the Select Board directly regarding requests to close town 
offices for certain days or near holidays.

First, NO town employee should ever be speaking directly to members of 
the Select Board about town business.  This goes both ways, and 
Selectmen know that they cannot contact town employees without first 
speaking to me.

All town of Holden employees work under the supervision of the Town 
Manager, not the Board of Selectmen.  The Town Manager works under the 
direction of the Board of Selectmen.  Therefore, an employee who goes to 
the BOS regarding town business is committing insubordination, and a 
Selectman who speaks directly to an employee is committing a breach of 
my contract.

This is a serious matter and chain of command needs to be maintained. 
Please keep this in mind and impart this understanding to your employees.

Thank you,
Peter Lukes
Town Manager
Town of Holden
(508) 210-5501
PLukes at holdenma.gov

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