[HFDlist] FW: Main Street (Route 122A) Construction Update

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Thu Apr 25 11:10:38 UTC 2019


Update on the planned schedule for the paving project on Main Street.


Russ Hall
Fire Chief
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520

From: John Woodsmall
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2019 3:46 PM
To: Dave Armstrong; Russ Hall; Jane D. Parenteau; Peter Lukes
Subject: Fwd: Main Street (Route 122A) Construction Update

All, FYI for an update on Main Street...

-------- Forwarded Message -------- 
Main Street (Route 122A) Construction Update
Wed, 24 Apr 2019 15:45:33 -0400
John Woodsmall <jwoodsmall at holdenma.gov>
jwoodsmall at holdenma.gov
Town of Holden DPW
abenoit at holdenma.gov
Isabel McCauley <imccauley at holdenma.gov>

Hi Abby,

Could you please post the below message to the usual places? Thanks.


This is an update to the maintenance road work that is being conducted on Main St (Rte 122A). The work is being performed by MassDOT's contractor, PJ Keating. This week will continue the miscellaneous work to prepare the road surface for final paving. MassDOT is addressing the potholes that resulted from from the rain events of April 20th and 22nd as quickly as possible. Weather provided, the paving operations are expected to begin in the middle of the week of April 29th. It is estimated that it will take five (5) days of night work to complete the paving.
During paving operations, one lane of thru traffic will mainly be maintained. However, short sections of road closure may occur. Detours are in placed and will be directed by police details.
Two weeks after the paving is completed, the contractor plans to proceed to work on the driveway aprons. This work is expected to last one to two weeks.

Temporary road marking will be installed during the paving operations. Permanent markings will be installed approx two weeks after the final paving is complete.

Please plan for delays during this construction work and use the traffic detour as per the posted signage and police.

If you have any question feel free to contact MassDOT District 3's office at 508-929-3800, and ask to speak with the office responsible for the Holden Main Street paving project.

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