[HFDlist] Fwd: EMS Day- May 22
Russ Hall
rhall at holdenma.gov
Mon May 14 15:34:17 EDT 2018
FYI for EMS week recognition.
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
-------- Original message --------From: Deb Foss <dfoss at cmemsc.org> Date: 5/14/18 12:32 PM (GMT-05:00) To: tguillotte4 at gmail.com, brendan.mcniff at amr.net, tflanagan at annamaria.edu, rplant at ashburnham-ma.gov, sunbabykp at comcast.net, fchief at ci.ashby.ma.us, danmurphyjr at hotmail.com, afdcoordinator at gmail.com, afddeputy at verizon.net, gjohnson at town.auburn.ma.us, scoleman at town.auburn.ma.us, alaflash at town.auburn.ma.us, jjanuskiewicz at ayer.ma.us, cdillon at ayer.ma.us, barreparamedics at outlook.com, gwaite at bellinghamma.org, mpoirier at bellinghamma.org, firechief at townofberlin.com, kcolomey21 at gmail.com, msweeney at townofblackstone.org, mdiaz at bolton-ma.gov, jbradford at boylston-ma.gov, jflanagan at boylston-ma.gov, jbradford at boylston-ma.gov, firechief at brimfieldma.org, chief_martell at brookfieldfd.com, dmlafleur7 at verizon.net, edward.knopf at townofcharlton.net, danielle.robertson at townofcharlton.net, pgaughan at clintonfire.net, emcnamara at cmemsc.org, restuccm at ummhc.org, gmonks at community-ems.com, mchilds at critical-knowledge.org, jleblanc at massdevelopment.com, Tkelly at massdevelopment.com, kvinson1 at douglasma.org, dudleyfirechief at dudleyma.gov, dudleyems at charter.net, brich at dunstable-ma.gov, dfd_training at hotmail.com, pevangelista at eascare.com, jm13a9 at msn.com, kroy at fitchburgma.gov, pikeyj at outlook.com, michaelk661 at gmail.com, cmcourtemanche at gmail.com, gmccarraher at franklin.ma.us, FFD_47 at comcast.com, mkelly at franklin.ma.us, rares at gardner-ma.gov, ehulette at gardner-ma.gov, robert.bourque at medstarma.com, michaelgauthier at msn.con, sdaly at townofgroton.org, fire at townofgroton.org, hardwickfirechief at gmail.com, stonedance at comcast.net, awmarino at gmail.com, jcotting at harvardems.org, stevenjbeckman at gmail.com, rsicard at harvard.ma.us, eottersonpac at gmail.com, drdarnobid at gmail.com, ssmith at holdenma.gov, enaiman at holdenma.gov, rhall at holdenma.gov, j.gagne.hfd at gmail.com, firechief at hopedale-ma.gov, bkelley at hopedale-ma.gov, hubbardstonfire at gmail.com, firechief at hubbardstonma.us, Kamb2 at verizon.net, cmanning at lancasterfd.net, emoody at lancasterfd.net, mhanson at lancasterfd.net, rdjpw at aol.com, montiverdiC at ci.worcester.ma.us, srowland at leominster-ma.gov, ryoung176 at gmail.com, psullivan at lunenburgonline.com, kweller at lunenburgonline.com, jricci at lunenburgonline.com Subject: EMS Day- May 22
Attached please find a flyer for EMS Week. To honor all of you we are having lunch on Tuesday, May 22nd and would love for you to attend! Hope to see you! Sincerely, Debbie Foss Debbie Foss, Executive SecretaryCentral Mass EMS361 Holden St.Holden, MA 01520508-854-0111dfoss at cmemsc.org The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, transmission, re-transmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.
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