[HFDlist] Thank you

rhall at holdenma.gov rhall at holdenma.gov
Mon Dec 17 16:19:30 UTC 2018


The last week has been very tough for the fire service in our area and  
throughout the state.  I would like to take the opportunity to thank  
the department for your exemplary service during such a tough time.   
Starting with the companies that responded to Worcester and assisted  
at the fire scene, covered multiple stations and assisted the Webster  
Square companies clean, re-pack equipment and hang the bunting over  
the apparatus doors, your commitment that day did not go unnoticed.   
To those members who stepped up and covered shifts both in town and in  
the 24 hour operational period in the city during the funeral and to  
those who covered the Santa deliveries for 2 weekends while others  
were in the city, thank you for your hard work and commitment.  As the  
Chief of Department, it gives me great pleasure to work with such a  
dedicated group who come together in tough times and represents the  
department, the town and the fire service admirably.

Again thank you for all your hard work and great job by all.

Russ Hall
Fire Chief
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
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