[HFDlist] SCBA Room

ssmith at holdenma.gov ssmith at holdenma.gov
Wed Apr 18 15:11:16 EDT 2018

Good Afternoon,

The SCBA repair room should be closed and secured at all times. The  
tools and equipment should only be used by trained personnel. If you  
need a new SCBA mask, that should be obtained through your Officer or  
by contacting FF Lothrop. Repairs to SCBA's should only be done by  
trained personnel. Any issues with an SCBA, please leave the pack  
against the door tagged with a description of the issue, and send a  
email or text to FF Lothrop.

The batteries that are kept in the room are for SCBA use only. These  
are more expensive batteries that are bought specifically for the  
packs. We have an inventory of batteries in the EMS room and in the  
admin area for other uses such as EMS equipment and remotes.

Any issues/ concerns, please contact myself or FF Lothrop.


Sean Smith
Deputy Chief
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
(508)210-5650/ Fax (508)210-5657

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