[HFDlist] Fwd: Protocol Changes

enaiman at holdenma.gov enaiman at holdenma.gov
Thu Apr 12 10:12:29 EDT 2018

FYI -- See attached regarding wording changes to STP 2018.


----- Forwarded message from Deb Foss <dfoss at cmemsc.org> -----
   Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2018 09:41:47 -0400
   From: Deb Foss <dfoss at cmemsc.org>
Subject: Protocol Changes
     To: Deb Foss <dfoss at cmemsc.org>

   Good Morning,





   On Thursday April 5, 2018, OEMS released an update to the 2018  
protocols. The change chart is attached. These changes affect multiple  
pages but are small in the amount of wording that changes. In an  
effort to avoid waste of the recently printed 2018.1 STP books, CMEMSC  
has designed and printed labels that can be affixed to the current  
books to effectively include these changes. We are offering them for  
$1/per sheet, to cover the cost of printing. Each sheet provides  
enough labels to update all effected protocols in one book.





   /Tina Dixson/


   Education Director


   AHA Training Center Coordinator


   NRAEMT, ProBoard Fire/EMS Instructor I/II







   361 Holden Street


   Holden, MA 01520


   508-854-0111 Office


   508-853-3672 Fax


   508-854-0100 CMED


   978-660-7548 Cell












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dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance  
upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended  
recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact  
the sender and delete the material from any computer.





----- End forwarded message -----
  Ethan Naiman
EMS Coordinator
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, Ma 01520
Office: 508-210-5659
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