[HFDlist] Fire Department Open House

cborowy at holdenma.gov cborowy at holdenma.gov
Thu Oct 5 09:05:44 EDT 2017

Hello Everyone,

We are looking for a head count for those who are planning on helping  
with the department's Open House on October 21st. Uniform of the day  
will be red Long sleeve department t-shirts along with your station  
pants. (No need for Class A or B uniforms, unless you are on duty)The  
department will be purchasing new t-shirts for those who participate.  
The Open House is running from 12-3p and we are looking to start  
setting up around 11 am. Leah has been working very hard over the last  
few months to acquire a number of activities for the Open House. There  
will be a signup sheet at the station or you can email myself or Leah.  
Please include your shirt size when you sign up. Only members who  
participate with the Open House will be receiving a shirt. Thank you  
for your time and I look forward to seeing everyone at the Open House.

Chuck Borowy
SAFE Coordinator
Holden Fire Dept.
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