[HFDlist] Fwd: Facebook message re: motorcycle ride through Holden, June 24

Jack Chandler JChandler at holdenma.gov
Tue Jun 20 08:18:10 EDT 2017

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Facebook message re: motorcycle ride through Holden, June 24
Date: 	Tue, 20 Jun 2017 08:14:55 -0400
From: 	Robin Farrington <rfarrington at holdenma.gov>
Reply-To: 	rfarrington at holdenma.gov
Organization: 	Town of Holden
To: 	Peter Lukes <PLukes at holdenma.gov>, Dave <darmstrong at holdenma.gov>, 
Chief Chandler <jchandler at holdenma.gov>

Hi everyone,
   Just forwarding this as a FYI (came through via Facebook)
- Robin

Karyn Wagner	
Karyn Wagner	5:39pm Jun 19
This Saturday, June 24th, over 150 motorcycles will be riding through
Holden for the 4th Annual Salute Our Veteran's Ride. They are expected
to travel along Route 31 from Wachusett Street to South Road between
12noon and 12:30pm. Riders will be led by local Police Departments'
Motorcycle Units. Please consider bringing your family out for just a
few minutes to salute our police officers, veterans and current military
personnel who protect us. We invite the Holden Fire Department to join
their comrades from other towns on the route and fly their flag from a
ladder truck if it is available. Let's show our servicemen and women how
much we support their sacrifices. For more information
Robin Farrington
Senior Clerk / Communications
Town Manager's Office
Town of Holden
1204 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
rfarrington at holdenma.gov


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