Leah Francese-Wood lfwood at holdenma.gov
Fri Dec 15 09:29:43 EST 2017

A reminder for all-

Now that winter as arrived we all need to be cautious when driving the 
apparatus, especially during a storm or when the temperatures get low 
enough to cause black ice. Due to the weight of the trucks they are more 
difficult to handle and stop during such conditions. As we should drive 
with due regard anytime we drive apparatus or our own P.O.V's.

When responding to the stations for a call we must obey all local and 
state traffic laws, along with department S.O.G/S.O.P's, even with our 
red lights on. It is a courtesy for people to pull to the side and let 
us pass. When doing so we MUST do so cautiously with due regard, 
especially if this causes you to go into the other lane to oncoming 
traffic, stop at all intersections, stop signs and traffic lights. 
Violations of such S.O.G/S.O.P's and laws can and will cause the 
suspension of red light permits or worse some one could get hurt or 
killed. I would like to believe that everyone would like to look 
professional, not just for themselves but for the department as well. 
Our actions reflect on the whole department. So please keep the road 
conditions in mind when driving and beware of other drivers as well.
  Please drive safe, Lt. Fasshauer

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