Leah Francese-Wood lfwood at holdenma.gov
Wed Dec 6 14:19:25 EST 2017

All:  There will be an Ice Rescue Certification class held on Thursday 
December 21 starting at 6PM in the training room at HQ.  This is a full 
2 day certification class that goes more in-depth than our regular 
department training.  The second day is all practical and will be 
scheduled on a weekend (TBD) depending on ice formation.

If you would like to attend please email or call ROB NICKERSON 
(978-490-0824) or rnickerson at holdenma.gov to secure a spot in the class. 
  There is a cost associated with this class that the department will 
pay for.  This class will be open to area departments as well so it is 
first come, first serve.
Robert Nickerson
Holden Fire Department

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