[HFDlist] Training Schedule Changes

rhall at holdenma.gov rhall at holdenma.gov
Tue Sep 27 10:36:24 EDT 2016


There are some date changes to our current training schedule that you  
need to be aware of for October and November.

The training scheduled for Saturday 10/8 fell through, so we will be  
holding training on the normal 1st Tuesday of the month 10/4.

For the mandatory confidence course training in November, we are  
changing up the dates and times to allow better flow for all  
department members to complete the training and not have to rush  
through everyone in a couple of hours, so there will be no training on  
Tuesday 11/15,  here are the new dates:

Saturday 11/12: 07:30 - 11:30 and 11:30-15:30
Saturday 11/26: 07:30 - 11:30 and 11:30-15:30

I ask that all department members email me a date and 4 hour block you  
would like to attend so that I can put together a schedule by Friday  
10/21.  For those who cannot make any of those times, a makeup date  
will be scheduled.  With this new format, you should not be rushed  
through the training and it will be a better experience for all.

Also just an FYI, The MFA will be here with an impact class on 10/18  
and the maze trailer will be here on 11/1 so lets try and get good  
attendance for both dates.



Russ Hall
Deputy Chief
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520

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