[HFDlist] Fireworks Coverage CRA Field 9/24

rhall at holdenma.gov rhall at holdenma.gov
Tue Sep 20 07:48:35 EDT 2016


I previously sent out an email requesting interest in fireworks  
coverage for the Town sponsored fireworks at the CRA this Saturday  
evening, 9/24.  Need 4 FF I/II certified FF's, 3 for an engine at  
19:00 and 1 to be with the fireworks company onsite during setup (time  
to be determined).  I have received a grand total of 0 responses.  As  
this is a town event there is an expectation that the department will  
provide the necessary coverage for the public.  This is also a great  
public relations opportunity for us.  Its time for people to step up  
and show some pride in their job as members of this department, that  
is what the fire service is all about.  Please email me if interested.



Russ Hall
Deputy Chief
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520

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