[HFDlist] Department CPR update class

Leah Francese-Wood lfwood at holdenma.gov
Thu Oct 27 09:10:42 EDT 2016

Please email David Russo directly if you want to sign up for this class. 
Thank you.

Hello all:

Here are the dates for CPR training.

This is a refresher class, so if you do not have a current CPR card you 
can not attended.

November 9th 18:00-20:00

November 17th 18:00-20:00

November 22nd 18:00-20:00

Please chose from one of these dates, and email me back to which day you 
will be attending.

I am going to limit the class to 12 members each date.

Thank you.

EMS Coordinator
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main ST
Holden, MA 01520

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