[HFDlist] Condition and Cleanliness of Gear

cborowy at holdenma.gov cborowy at holdenma.gov
Tue Oct 25 14:35:41 EDT 2016

Hello All,

           While overseeing the gear for the department, I have come
across quite a few sets of PPE that are in less than acceptable
condition. It is your own responsibility as a member of this
department to take care of your own set or sets of PPE. Dirty PPE is
not acceptable as we have the privilege of a gear extractor and dryer
available to us. If there is an item that needs to be replaced due to
wear, please contact me so that it can be replaced. I know we don't
have as many fires as we used to but we still need to take pride in
our uniform. We are exposed to enough contaminants on this job, we
don't need to bring them back and let them sit at the station to be
exposed to everyone. Directions for cleaning PPE can be found on the
gear extractor at HQs, but if you have any questions please feel free
to contact me. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Also  
please see attached email below.

Chuck Borowy


Russ Hall

Deputy Chief

Holden Fire Dept.

1370 Main Street

Holden, MA 01520


From: Russ Hall [mailto:rhall at holdenma.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 8:24 AM
To: FD Mass Email
Subject: Turnout gear cleaning


Just a reminder that all turnout gear including hoods and gloves need  
to be cleaned and washed after its use at any structure fire including  
the training burns for your continued health and safety.  If you have  
not used the extractor at Fire HQ, see one of the on duty members to  
assist you.



Russ Hall

Deputy Chief

Holden Fire Dept.

1370 Main Street

Holden, MA 01520


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