[HFDlist] New Street Guides - HQ

enaiman at holdenma.gov enaiman at holdenma.gov
Wed Oct 19 14:14:33 EDT 2016

Hi All:

We have placed new street guides in the following HQ vehicles: A1, A2,  
A3, E1, E4, and Car 3. The street guides are updated for the new  
developments in town, and now also have turn-by-turn direction from  
HQ. In addition to turn-by-turn directions, it will still list the  
intersecting streets and the closest house number to the intersecting  
street. The last several pages of each binder have maps of the  
surrounding towns, excluding Worcester.

Please familiarize yourself with the guide, and let me know if you  
have any questions. If you notice any omissions, errors, etc., please  
contact me so that I can correct it. I am also open to suggestions for  
things that would be useful additions.

Lastly, we will be working on updating the guides for the Chaffins  
station. Please look for that in the following weeks.

Thank you,
Ethan Naiman

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