[HFDlist] Great active shooter video

Jack Chandler jchandler at holdenma.gov
Mon Oct 17 11:03:51 EDT 2016

It's sad but realistic that we need to be aware of this type of 
incident. This is a great video, although a little graphic!

Please share with your team as you feel appropriate.


Hello Everyone,

This video came from Art Groux and is a good video for those that work 
in resturants, bar, hotels, and office type environments. I would 
emphasize the fact that the cell phones should be on vibrate or silenced 
at work. You may have found a great place to hide, but if your phone 
rings while you are hiding that could compromise your location. In 
trainings I have done, womens foot wear has been an issue in some cases. 
In office environments women tend to wear shoes with various heel size. 
These heel can make is difficult to run and also the noise the heels 
make on the solid floors can be noisey and attract the attention of an 
active threat. Falling in the heels can cause injury that may limit the 
womans ability to flee.

Lastly, the public should be educated on wound management and bleeding 
control. Improvised tourniquets and hemostatic agents that are avialable 
to the public and are not that expensive. School Teachers and School 
Nurses can use paper towls to cover or pack the wound. Shoe laces, 
scarfs and some belts can utilized to make improvised tourniquets.

It is sad that we even need to discuss this topic, but as the world 
changes, we need to adapt to the changing threats.

As always, stay safe and feel free to pass this information onto others 
that you think may find it useful.

Eric Stratton
www.tactical-ems.com <http://www.tactical-ems.com>

Eric,  I was forwarded this and thought you would be interested.  It is 
a very good video for the non-public safety community and even though it 
does not show any of the victims as armed it clearly shows how fast the 
shooter is at getting them before they could even take a shoot at the 
shooter, good to emphasize that the odds of actually being able to stop 
a shooter are slim for the untrained person and that run and hide are 
always the best options.  Have a great day, Art

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpUIXIw0f6c&mc_cid=07ca1a245d&mc_eid=764be15bf7 
> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpUIXIw0f6c&mc_cid=07ca1a245d&mc_eid=764be15bf7>

Art Groux
EMS Chief Emergency Management Director
205 Bridge St
P.O. Box 642
Suffield CT 06078

agroux at suffieldems.org <mailto:agroux at suffieldems.org>
(860) 668-3881 <tel:%28860%29%20668-3881> office
(860) 306-4674 <tel:%28860%29%20306-4674> cell

Jack Chandler, Chief
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, Massachusetts 01520
Ph: 508-210-5650
Fax: 508-210-5667
JChandler at holdenma.gov

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