[HFDlist] First Responder Training

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Fri Jul 1 10:54:50 EDT 2016



As you are aware First Responder training is required of all firefighters in
Massachusetts for those who are not EMT or Paramedic certified.  We have
attempted numerous times to schedule this training with no response to sign
up requests except for 1 or 2 people.  Therefore, we will be adopting a new
training regimen starting this year and moving forward.  On Tuesday,
September 6 at our regular department training (18:30 hrs)we will be doing
the First Responder training.  This American Heart Association program
consists of AED, Basic First Aid and CPR training with the certification
lasting 2 years.  This will be incorporated into our department training
schedule from here forward on an every other year basis so to remain current
with both First Responder and CPR you will need to attend this training to
get on the same schedule as every non-EMT member of the department.  Please
notify Dave Russo if you plan to attend by email at drusso at holdenma.gov so
that he has a student count to provide the necessary number of instructors.
This will be the only First Responder program HFD will put on until 2018,
the next recertification cycle.  Any questions or if you an EMS providers
need CPR please contact Dave Russo at his email address.






Russ Hall

Deputy Chief

Holden Fire Dept.

1370 Main Street

Holden, MA 01520



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