[HFDlist] Code Enforcement

rhall at holdenma.gov rhall at holdenma.gov
Mon Dec 19 09:27:25 EST 2016


As many of you are aware, fire prevention is a large part of what we  
do on a daily basis.  This is done by handling code enforcement  
through inspections, plan reviews and permitting.  We also work to  
educate the public through our interactions on the various calls for  
service that we do.  Just to add another tool to your toolbox so to  
speak, when at a call for service whether it be a medical, fire alarm,  
water emergency etc, it is our job to report any code violations which  
we see including any violations of other codes such as the building,  
electrical or gas code.  If you see something say something, it might  
be just as simple as informing a homeowner what needs to be done for  
compliance or it could be complicated and require other inspectors to  
respond.  Just some food for thought when responding to calls.



Russ Hall
Deputy Chief
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520

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