[HFDlist] Worcester Hydrant Wrench on Eng 1

ssmith at holdenma.gov ssmith at holdenma.gov
Thu Apr 14 17:57:27 EDT 2016

Good Evening,

There is now a Worcester Hydrant Wrench (for use with the tamper proof  
hydrants) on Engine 1- Located in the drivers side rear compartment-  
behind the hydrant bag and hydrant assist valve. Engine 3 and the  
Tower also have these wrenches on them.

As in the past, if you use a Worcester hydrant for an incident in  
Holden, please notify the Worcester DPW Water Shop of the use.


Sean Smith
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
(508)210-5650/ Fax (508)210-5657

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