[HFDlist] December activities

Leah Francese-Wood lfwood at holdenma.gov
Mon Nov 9 13:52:57 EST 2015

Happy Holidays! For new members and auxiliary members, we have an HFD 
Children's Christmas Party held every year. This is for department 
members children and their immediate families only. This year it will be 
on Saturday December 5th (3 weeks away!). Please meet at Headquarters 
around 4:30 for the children to ride a fire truck to the Senior Center 
where the party will be held. There will be activities for the kids, 
pizza, treats, and visit from Santa Claus. If you like, please bring a 
WRAPPED Christmas gift for your child (name on package), for Santa to 
give out. I will need the gifts by December 3rd. Also, Tuesday December 
15th will the department member Christmas Party. This is for department 
members and retired members only. There will be drinks and dinner along 
with a slideshow of department happenings throughout the year. More info 
to follow. Any questions, please let me know. Hope you can make it!
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
PH:(508) 210-5655
FX:(508) 210-5657

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