[HFDlist] Ice Rescue Certification

Leah Francese-Wood lfwood at holdenma.gov
Wed Mar 11 14:29:14 EDT 2015


To All:
I will be holding an Ice Rescue Certification coarse at Sterling Fire 
starting March 25th.  This is the full certification class, much more in 
depth than the operational class your used to in regular department 
training.  I had hoped to hold a class at Holden Fire but due to other 
commitments, time constraints, and the FF I/II class I don't see that 
happening this year.

Class room will be held on Wednesday 3/25 starting at 7PM, Practical 
will be held either Saturday April 4th or April 11 depending on ice 
conditions.  There are a number of openings in this class and the 
Sterling Fire Chief is happy to accommodate us. Please let me know ASAP 
if you will be attending so I can order the proper amount of materials. 
I will be ordering these by March 17th so please advise me by that date 
if you plan to attend.

If you have any questions about the class please do not hesitate to 
contact me.

Thank you,

Rob Nickerson
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
PH:(508) 210-5655
FX:(508) 210-5657

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