Leah Francese-Wood lfwood at holdenma.gov
Mon Jan 5 14:36:15 EST 2015

Per Lt. Josh Poznanski -

Hello All-It's that time of year again for the Holden Fire Department 
members to participate in the MS CLIMB TO THE TOP in Boston. On March 
7th we will be climbing 61 stories at the Hancock Tower to raise money 
for the National Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society. Last year we were 
among the top money raising teams and had several members in the top 5 
at the top!
If you are interested in joining the team just follow this link 
Then click GET INVOLVED, register as a Firefighter for the Holden 
Firefighters. Any questions, please let me know. Since I don't check the 
team status daily, send me a text/email if you decide to joion so I can 
keep you in the loop.

Thank you, Joshua Poznanski (774-287-5318).
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
PH:(508) 210-5655
FX:(508) 210-5657

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