[HFDlist] Fwd: FW: Seasonal Vacancy Announcements

Jack Chandler jchandler at holdenma.gov
Tue Apr 21 17:46:25 EDT 2015

Seasonal DCR Forester positions.....

Jack Chandler, Chief
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, Massachusetts 01520
Ph: 508-210-5650
Fax: 508-210-5667
JChandler at holdenma.gov

This electronic message is confidential and intended for the named recipient only. Any dissemination, disclosure or distribution of the contents of this communication is unlawful and prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please contact by return e-mail or telephone (508-210-5650), and delete the copy you received. Thank you.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	FW: Seasonal Vacancy Announcements
Date: 	Tue, 21 Apr 2015 17:42:45 -0400
From: 	Correia, Patricia (DCR) <patricia.correia at state.ma.us>
To: 	capt.gasco at yahoo.com <capt.gasco at yahoo.com>, Bolton FD 
<jmentzer at bolton-ma.gov>, DPH-OEMS-TLozier <fireinspct at townofathol.org>, 
rares at gardner-ma.gov <rares at gardner-ma.gov>, Princeton Fire 
<skidunits4you at aol.com>, Berlin FD <firechief at townofberlin.com>, Bolton 
Fire <dfarrell at bolton-ma.gov>, Royalston Fire <dpw at royalston-ma.gov>, 
Ashburnham FD <2w4paulr at gmail.com>, Athol FD 
<firechief at townofathol.org>, Barre FD <barrefire at gmail.com>, 
DPH-OEMS-JFlanagan <jflanagan at boylston-ma.gov>, DPH-OEMS-JMcLaughlin 
<jmclaughlin at clintonfire.net>, Mid-State Fire 
<midstatefire at comcast.net>, Templeton FD 
<chieflaporte at templetonfire.org>, Fitchburg FD <kroy at fitchburgma.gov>, 
Gardner FD <rares at gardner-ma.gov>, Harvard FD <rsicard at harvard.ma.us>, 
Hardwick FD <hardwickfd at comcast.net>, Holden FD 
<JChandler at holdenma.gov>, DPH-OEMS-RHayes <firechief at hubbardstonma.us>, 
Lancaster FD <mhanson at lancasterfd.net>, Leominster FD 
<rsideleau at leominster-ma.gov>, Lunenburg FD 
<psullivan at lunenburgonline.com>, New Braintree FD 
<FireChief at newbraintree.org>, DPH-OEMS-TSnay <firechief at oakham-ma.gov>, 
Paxton FD <chiefconte at hotmail.com>, Petersham FD 
<petershamfire at verizon.net>, DPH-OEMS-RStevens 
<fire at phillipston-ma.gov>, Princeton FD <firechief at princetonfd.org>, 
Royalston FD <chiefrfd at royalston-ma.gov>, DPH-OEMS-BWeber 
<firechief at townofrutland.org>, DPH-OEMS-DHurlbut 
<david.hurlbut at sterlingfd.net>, DPH-OEMS-TWelsh 
<twelsh at westboylstonfire.org>, DPH-OEMS-KNivala 
<firechief at westminster-ma.gov>, Winchendon FD <wfdchief39c at aol.com>, 
Boylston Fire DC <mattronn at gmail.com>, Westminster Fire 
<knivala at westminster-ma.gov>, deputywhitneyc2 at aol.com 
<deputywhitneyc2 at aol.com>, jleblanc at massdevelopment.com 
<jleblanc at massdevelopment.com>, jpsfd35 at aol.com <jpsfd35 at aol.com>, 
mhanson at lancasterfd.net <mhanson at lancasterfd.net>, 
sadams at massdevelopment.com <sadams at massdevelopment.com>

The first position listed below is for a seasonal position in Fire 
District 8. Please pass this on to anyone who may be interested.  Thanks.
Patricia A. Correia
District 8 Fire Warden
Leominster State Forest
90 Fitchburg Road
Westminster, MA 01473-1644
Ph 978-874-0112 Fax 978-874-1096 Cell 508-889-2551
patricia.correia at state.ma.us <mailto:patricia.correia at state.ma.us>
*From:* PierreMike, Harry (DCR)
*Sent:* Tuesday, April 21, 2015 17:00
*To:* DCR-DL - All Users
*Cc:* 'EEA.ServiceDesk at state.ma.us'
*Subject:* Seasonal Vacancy Announcements

The Department has posted the attached vacancy announcements for:

*Functional Title 


*Official Title 



Seasonal Fire Laborer 


Laborer I



Seasonal Laborer 


Laborer I



Seasonal Laborer 


Laborer I



Seasonal Laborer 


Laborer I


North Andover

Seasonal Forest and Park Regional Coordinator 


Forest And Park Regional Coord



Division and Work Unit managers please ensure that these announcements 
are posted in a location for staff to view.



Please ensure that these vacancy announcements are also posted on the 
DCR Intranet.


*To****view or print these vacancy announcements, click or control****+ 
click on the above underlined positions to the left, or click on the 
link below to access these and other employment opportunities within the 




Harry Pierre-Mike

Director of Workforce Management

251 Causeway Street

Boston, MA 02114

Work Phone - 617-626-1283

Cell Phone - 617-823-4452

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