Leah Francese-Wood lfwood at holdenma.gov
Wed Jun 11 14:26:10 EDT 2014

Hello-This month, we will be re-taking our department wide CLASS A 
pictures with a professional photographer. This will include auxiliary 
members, as well. All photos will be with your Class A uniform (head and 
shoulder picture). If you do not have a uniform, I will help put one 
together for you that night.  Auxiliary members will wear blue shirt, 
tie, and hat. Picture taking will start at HQ at 6:30pm. The on-duty 
crew will go first, and everyone will have numbers. The photos should go 
quickly and everyone will have at least 2 minutes. I will send you the 
date soon, as well as a makeup date. PLEASE MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO ATTEND. 
Thank you!
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
PH:(508) 210-5655
FX:(508) 210-5657

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