[HFDlist] June Training date change to 6/10!!!

rhall at holdenma.gov rhall at holdenma.gov
Thu Jun 5 15:23:09 EDT 2014


Sorry for the short notice but we are changing the next June training  
date from 6/17 to this upcoming Tuesday 6/10 at 18:00 hrs.  We are  
anticipating using the structure at 325 Bullard Street for some hands  
on training prior to its demolition.  We are also planning on holding  
a session there on Thursday 6/12 also at 18:00.  This is a good  
opportunity to do many of the skills that are difficult to simulate  
using props.  We only have the building for a week, so we want to make  
the most out of it.  If all goes well, the on-duty shifts will be  
using it during the daytime dependent on call volume and we will make  
those times available for anyone who wants to join them and take part.

For those of you who need to makeup the mandatory ladder practical  
skills, we will do it on 6/10 at Bullard Street.  Any questions please  
contact me.



Russ Hall
Assistant Chief
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520

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