Leah Francese-Wood lfwood at holdenma.gov
Fri Dec 12 12:33:05 EST 2014

To All:

This morning the dispatch center encountered a radio console failure and 
had to switch FD operations to the back up system.  This failure was due 
to a power supply in the radio/911 room, specifically tied to our radio 
console in the watch room. The new parts are being ordered and will be 
installed as soon as they arrive.
With that being said, our console in the Watch room is down until the 
new hardware is installed.  This includes the "In House" paging or alert 
system too. I would suggest leaving your pagers or portable radios on in 
your dorm rooms at night as you will not be alerted otherwise.
We hope to have the new hardware delivered overnight, but could be 
Monday depending on availability.  I have placed a portable radio and 
desk charger in the Watch room in case you need to monitor or call from 
there.  The remote heads (hand sets) in the officer's room, kitchen, and 
by Leah's desk work as normal, including tones.

If you have any further radio/communication questions/concerns please do 
not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your patients,

Rob Nickerson
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
PH:(508) 210-5655
FX:(508) 210-5657

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