Leah Francese-Wood lfwood at holdenma.gov
Fri Sep 27 09:14:33 EDT 2013

All: Rite Aid is offering to give flu shots for fire and police. Flu 
shots will be held on TUESDAY OCTOBER 8th from 5:00-8:00pm. I will be 
leaving a brief consent form in your boxes. IF YOU WANT A FLU SHOT 
RETURN THE FORM TO ME!!! Rite Aid will bill your insurance company, or 
if no coverage it will be $25. I will also need a copy of your insurance 
So, if you want a flu shot on October 8, I'll need you to complete the 
brief form and a copy of your insurance card. Any questions, see me. 
LEAH FRANCESE-WOOD/ Holden Fire Administration Office- 1370 Main Street-
Holden, MA 01520 - Phone:(508) 210-5650 Fax: (508) 210-5657
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