[HFDlist] FF needed for Saturday-Aug 10

Leah Francese-Wood lfwood at holdenma.gov
Mon Aug 5 15:59:15 EDT 2013

Per Lt. Chapin see email below. This will be paid.

Hello all:

I was approached by an individual to see if we could provide a fire 
truck for a class reunion at the high school on Saturday, August 10. The 
time would be from 1:30-3:30. I obviously would need someone who is 
checked off on E1 to bring it there. Anyone who is interested please 
email me. Thank you in advance.

LEAH FRANCESE-WOOD/ Holden Fire Administration Office- 1370 Main Street-
Holden, MA 01520 - Phone:(508) 210-5650 Fax: (508) 210-5657

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