[HFDlist] Fwd: Call/Vol Certification Exam
Jack Chandler
jchandler at holdenma.gov
Tue Nov 13 13:45:11 EST 2012
If anyone is interested in taking the FF I/II exam the deadline for
applying id November 21 at 5 PM.
Jack Chandler, Chief
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, Massachusetts 01520
Ph: 508-210-5650
Fax: 508-210-5667
JChandler at holdenma.gov
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Call/Vol Certification Exam
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 13:01:22 -0500
From: Dansereau, Christine (DFS) <christine.dansereau at state.ma.us>
To: 2c at ashburnhamfd.com <2c at ashburnhamfd.com>, DPH-OEMS-WSeymour
<Fchief at ci.ashby.ma.us>, rwhite at boxboroughfire.com
<rwhite at boxboroughfire.com>, DPH-OEMS-DFlannery
<chief at carlislefdma.org>, dudleyfirechief at charter.net
<dudleyfirechief at charter.net>, DPH-OEMS-JBosselait
<firechief at townofgroton.org>, rsicard at harvard.ma.us
<rsicard at harvard.ma.us>, jchandler at holdenma.gov
<jchandler at holdenma.gov>, tdaige at gmail.com <tdaige at gmail.com>,
DPH-OEMS-PClark <chief at hopkintonfd.org>, DPH-OEMS-SMcCurdy
<smccurdy at littletonfire.org>, ehorn at mendonpolice.com
<ehorn at mendonpolice.com>, millburyfire at yahoo.com
<millburyfire at yahoo.com>, DPH-OEMS-SBemis <sbemis at town.oxford.ma.us>,
firechief at town.princeton.ma.us <firechief at town.princeton.ma.us>,
DPH-OEMS-TRuchala <firechief at townofrutland.org>, sfd35chief at yahoo.com
<sfd35chief at yahoo.com>, jvuona at th.ci.shrewsbury.ma.us
<jvuona at th.ci.shrewsbury.ma.us>, DPH-OEMS-MMcLaughlin
<firechief at stow-ma.gov>, fire at tyngsboroughma.gov
<fire at tyngsboroughma.gov>, chief at warehamfd.com <chief at warehamfd.com>,
rpauley at westboylstonfire.org <rpauley at westboylstonfire.org>,
firechief at westminster-ma.gov <firechief at westminster-ma.gov>
Good afternoon,
I just wanted to let you know that the deadline for applications for the
FF I/II exam is November 21 at 5pm.
If they don't have there applications and fee in by next Wednesday they
will not get certified.
Thank you,
/*Christine Dansereau *| Massachusetts Firefighting Academy |
978.567.3227 | christine.dansereau at state.ma.us |/
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