[HFDlist] Fwd: Weekly News Notice, March 23

Jack Chandler jchandler at holdenma.gov
Fri Mar 23 15:27:39 EDT 2012

Jack Chandler, Chief
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, Massachusetts 01520
Ph: 508-210-5650
Fx: 508-210-5667
JChandler at Holdenma.gov
JChandler at TownofHolden.net

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Weekly News Notice, March 23
Date: 	Fri, 23 Mar 2012 11:57:46 -0400
From: 	News and Announcements <holdenma_news at mm.windigicert.com>
To: 	holdenma_news at mm.windigicert.com, firedept at lists.townofholden.net

_Take Care This Spring!_
With warmer temperatures on the way, the Holden Board of Health office 
encourages residents to please take precautions while enjoying the 
outdoors. For more information on health topics, such as Lyme Disease, 
West Nile/EEE and sun safety, visit www.holdenma.gov 

_Street Sweeping Schedule Begins, March 26_
The 2012 street sweeping schedule begins Monday, March 26. Please visit 
<http://www.holdenma.gov/Pages/HoldenMA_News/035F6835-000F8513> to find 
out when your street falls on the calendar.

_Removal of Winter Baskets_
The DPW requests that all winter baskets and decorations be removed from 
lots at Grove Cemetery by April 2. Any decorations remaining after that 
date will be discarded by cemetery personnel.

_Rabies Clinic, April 7_
The Holden Animal Control Office will host a Rabies Clinic on Saturday, 
April 7 at the Public Safety Facility, 1370 Main Street. For more 
information, please visit www.holdenma.gov 

_Summer Recreation Brochure Online_
The 2012 Holden Recreation Department's Summer Brochure is available 
online <http://www.holdenma.gov/Pages/HoldenMA_Recreation/2012summer.pdf>.

_Sidewalk & Road Maintenance Program_
The DPW's 2012 Sidewalk & Road Maintenance Program is available online 

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