[HFDlist] Weekly News Notice, Jan. 27

Doug Nelson dnelson at virtualtownhall.net
Fri Jan 27 11:57:23 EST 2012

Real Estate Taxes Due, Feb. 1
Residents are reminded that real estate taxes are due Wednesday, February
1. Questions? Please call the Tax Collector’s Office, (508) 210-5510.

WRSD School Committee Vacancy-Applicants Welcome
The Board of Selectmen is seeking applicants to fill a vacancy on the WRSD
School Committee until the town election in May 2012. Interested residents
should submit a letter of interest and resume to the Office of the Town
Manager by February 1.
Selectmen will be conducting interviews at their meeting on February 6.

Annual Town Census Due Back to Town Clerk
The annual census has been mailed to each household. Please complete and
return the census form to the Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall, 1196 Main
Street as soon as possible. You may return the form by mail or drop it off
at the Town Hall, Starbard Building or Senior Center. For more
information, please visit[
http://www.holdenma.gov/Pages/HoldenMA_News/0351EB89-000F8513 ]

$10 Dog Licenses Available Until March 31
2012 dog licenses can be purchased for $10 at the Town Clerk's office
until March 31. For more information, please call (508) 210-5530.

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