[HFDlist] Fwd: Fwd: Start of Work at Oriol Healthcare

Leah Francese-Wood lfwood at holdenma.gov
Tue Feb 7 12:00:46 EST 2012

Hi all: Please read the new construction info below.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Fwd: Start of Work at Oriol Healthcare
Date: 	Tue, 7 Feb 2012 11:44:12 -0500
From: 	Town Email <jchandler at holdenma.gov>
To: 	Leah Wood <lfwood at holdenma.gov>

Please forward to the mail list! Thanks

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> *From:* "Dennis J. Lipka" <djlipka at holdenma.gov
> <mailto:djlipka at holdenma.gov>>
> *Date:* February 7, 2012 10:33:43 AM EST
> *To:* <ngalkowski at holdenma.gov <mailto:ngalkowski at holdenma.gov>>,
> <jkelly at holdenma.gov <mailto:jkelly at holdenma.gov>>,
> <jchandler at townofholden.net <mailto:jchandler at townofholden.net>>,
> <gsherrill at holdenma.gov <mailto:gsherrill at holdenma.gov>>,
> <jwoodsmall at holdenma.gov <mailto:jwoodsmall at holdenma.gov>>,
> <jrobinson at holdenma.gov <mailto:jrobinson at holdenma.gov>>
> *Cc:* "'Alexander J. Belisle Jr.'" <abelisle at townofholden.net
> <mailto:abelisle at townofholden.net>>, "'Jim Zingarelli'"
> <jzingarelli at townofholden.net <mailto:jzingarelli at townofholden.net>>,
> "Dan Hazen" <dhazen at townofholden.net
> <mailto:dhazen at townofholden.net>>, "'Mike Flagg'"
> <mflagg at townofholden.net <mailto:mflagg at townofholden.net>>
> *Subject:* *Start of Work at Oriol Healthcare*
> *Reply-To:* <djlipka at holdenma.gov <mailto:djlipka at holdenma.gov>>
> Nancy,
> On Monday, February 6, 2012, the equipment was delivered and land
> clearing started for the new construction and renovation of the
> nursing home component of the Oriol Healthcare Project. The tree
> removal and grubbing of the site will continue for about one week. The
> tree removal at the property lines and around the nursing home is
> being done by a tree company using a boom truck and chipping crews.
> The large area cutting is being done with a commercial high production
> tree harvester and chipper. Although there are adequate buffers to the
> residential areas, I am sure that we may get calls. Just a reminder
> the construction schedule for this project and for the medical office
> building is 60-65 weeks. Things will only get busier in this area as
> the construction ramps up to full speed.
> dennis

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