[HFDlist] Firefighters needed to read

Leah Francese-Wood lfwood at holdenma.gov
Wed Feb 1 12:44:39 EST 2012

Holden Christian Academy is looking for Community Readers on February 
7th and February 14th to read to young children. We need two 
Firefighters to sign up. You will need to be there between 8:30-8:45. 
Should only be about an hour and you can pick your book or they will 
give you one (preferably a fire firefighter book). Please wear your 
Class Bs or a HFD shirt or Ruben. This is volunteer. Please help out our 
community and show the children Firefighters are your friends! Please 
call AC with questions. Thanks.
LEAH FRANCESE-WOOD/ Holden Fire Administration Office- 1370 Main Street-
Holden, MA 01520 - Phone:(508) 210-5650 Fax: (508) 210-5657

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