[HFDlist] Chaffins Station

Jack Chandler jchandler at holdenma.gov
Wed Dec 12 10:46:37 EST 2012

To all Chaffins responders:

Jim Ringgard has replaced the ceiling tiles that were damaged and 
stained. It looks great but we'll have to see what happens the next time 
it rains! Dennis Griffin tried to seal all the leaks but it may be 
impossible to get them all!

The outside light is working thanks to Jim. The bulb was on an electric 
eye that wasn't working 100% so now we have a long energy bulb that 
should be on all the time.

There is a new mop and bucket per Lt. Rosen's request.

As we try to fix this day room and station up it can not be done and 
maintained without help from everyone. As we discussed the other night I 
am happy to get paint, etc and pay people to work on cleaning out the 
bays and make some improvementsbut in the end it is up to you guys to 
get it done and keep it looking good!

I am looking to replace the sofa and chairs with some recliner type 
chairs. If anyone sees any that look good let me know!

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!


Jack Chandler, Chief
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, Massachusetts 01520
Ph: 508-210-5650
Fax: 508-210-5667
JChandler at holdenma.gov

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