[HFDlist] The Firefighters' Ball

Jack Chandler jchandler at holdenma.gov
Mon Apr 30 17:14:34 EDT 2012

I would like to thank Leah, Heidi for taking the initiative and doing 
all the work to put on what will hopefully be our first annual 
Firefighters' Ball! It was a great success and everyone who was able to 
make it had a great time!

I'd also like to thank the Association and Union for their help with the 
funding, the seniors from the Senior Center who helped with the table 
arrangements, the guys who covered during the ball and everyone who 
helped in other ways!

Hopefully next year's will be even bigger!



Jack Chandler, Chief
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, Massachusetts 01520
Ph: 508-210-5650
Fx: 508-210-5667
JChandler at Holdenma.gov

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