Leah Francese-Wood lfwood at holdenma.gov
Tue Nov 1 10:49:04 EDT 2011

The DEP has given permission to do live fire burning at 178 Brattle 
Street. The training will be Saturday, November 19th, with a rain date 
of November 20th. Training will begin at 0800, everyone is asked to be 
at their respective stations at 0730. ALL PERSONNEL ARE ENCOURAGED TO 
ATTEND! Please sign up at Headquarters or respond to Andy Miller 
(amiller at holdenma.gov) as soon as possible so we can get a head count.
LEAH FRANCESE-WOOD/ Holden Fire Administration Office- 1370 Main Street-
Holden, MA 01520 - Phone:(508) 210-5650 Fax: (508) 210-5657

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