[HFDlist] Whelen LED for sale

Russ Hall rhall at townofholden.net
Thu May 27 14:26:58 EDT 2010

If anyone is interested, I have a Whelen Slim-Miser LED light for  
sale.  It has 2 LED's red and white with I think 25 programmable flash  
patterns.  I have never used it, it went from the box to my truck and  
hasn't been plugged in since.  I paid $75 for it, I will sell it for  
$50, I just have no use for it.  First one with the cash gets it.



Russ Hall
EMS Coordinator
Holden Fire Department
1384 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
508-829-0266 phone
508-829-4411 fax
rhall at townofholden.net

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