[HFDlist] Fwd: MEMA/NWS Taunton Conference call at 5:00 pm and Summary of 2:00 pm NWS Taunton call

JChandler at townofholden.net JChandler at townofholden.net
Sun Mar 28 17:20:18 EST 2010

   Attached is info from MEMA on the rain they are expecting over the  
next two days, probably we are going to get 3 to 6 inches in Holden.  
If it is steady we should be in good shape but if we get long, strong  
downpours we will have more problems!


----- Forwarded message from Mema.Region3and4 at state.ma.us -----
    Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2010 16:00:04 -0400
    From: "Region3and4, MEMA (CDA)" <Mema.Region3and4 at state.ma.us>
Reply-To: "Region3and4, MEMA (CDA)" <Mema.Region3and4 at state.ma.us>
Subject: MEMA/NWS Taunton Conference call at 5:00 pm and Summary of  
2:00 pm NWS Taunton call
      To: Montgomery EMD Flechsig <pikespeaksanta at yahoo.com>,  
Blandford EMD Carpenter <Blandfordfd at hotmail.com>, County Ambulance  
Andrews <bandrews at berkshire.rr.com>, Southborough Deputy EMD Aspesi  
<naspesi at southboroughma.com>, Millville EMD Mullaly  
<chief at millvillefd.com>, Buckland Deputy EMD Dekoschak  
<mjdeko at net1plus.com>, UMASS EMD Olsen <bolsen at ehs.umass.edu>, Holyoke  
EMD Kane <kanew at ci.holyoke.ma.us>, New Salem EMD Reidy  
<nsemmgt at yahoo.com>, Uxbridge EMD Emerick  
<pemerick at uxbridgepolice.com>, Hubbardston EMD O'Donnell  
<dodhubbma at gmail.com>, Hardwick EMD Volheim <stonedance at comcast.net>,  
Westhampton EMD Norris <dcnorris911 at msn.com>, "Great Barrington  
Dpty.EMD Brinker" <will at applehillpnc.com>, Williamstown EMD Fohlin  
<pfohlin at williamstown.net>, Millbury EMD Belsito  
<millburyfire at yahoo.com>, Phillipston EMD Wheeler <cwheeler at gis.net>,  
Belchertown EMD Bock <tbock at belchertown.org>, PeaseMFD1953 at aol.com,  
Rowe EMD May <sampem at verizon.net>, Royalston EMD Barclay  
<ema at royalston-ma.gov>, Wales EMD Hastings <msp605 at aol.com>, New  
Marlborough EMD Marchione <bemarch56 at aol.com>, Cheshire EMD Balawender  
<bhugabone at adelphia.net>, "Mt. Washington EMD Lovejoy"  
<elovejoy at hughes.net>, Westborough EMD Perron  
<nperron at town.westborough.ma.us>, Brimfield EMD Corry  
<racorry173 at hotmail.com>, Gill EMD Beaubien <gmbdab at comcast.net>,  
Worthington EMD Johnson <kjohnson2 at massmutual.com>, Chesterfield EMD  
Holmberg <lholmberg at the-spa.com>, Hampden EMD Green  
<richardgreenins at charter.net>, Brimfield Deputy EMD Carpenter  
<captainphil2000 at yahoo.com>, Northfield EMD Newton  
<camper at valinet.com>, Southbridge EMD Ciesla  
<rciesla at southbridgemass.org>, firechief at southboroughma.com, Leicester  
EMD Dupuis <LEICEMA at aol.com>, Sterling EMD Hurlbut  
<david.hurlbut at sterlingfd.net>, Hawley EMD Cox <gcox at crocker.com>,  
Spencer EMD Parsons <rparsons at spencerma.gov>, Paxton EMD Bolster  
<cbolster_emd_paxton at yahoo.com>, DPH Bienvenue-Mailhott  
<Gail.Bienvenue-Mailhott at state.ma.us>, Amherst EMD Zlogar  
<zlogarm at amherstma.gov>, Charlemont EMD Bellows <sgtbellows at bcn.net>,  
Lanesborough EMD Garrity <charlesgarrityiii at yahoo.com>, Dalton EMD  
White <daltonem at bcn.net>, Warren EMD Reusch <warrenemd at comcast.net>,  
Milford EMD Touhey <firechief at milfordma.com>, Hopedale EMD Gleason  
<rgleason33 at myway.com>, Cummington EMD Forgea <forgeabl at gmail.com>,  
Granville EMD Stromgren <Kcsignal at aol.com>, Agawam EMD Nicora  
<director at agawamem.org>, 4c1pshedd at comcast.net, "Bedard, Richard"  
<bedardr at ci.worcester.ma.us>, Oakham EMD Haapakoski  
<oakhamemd at oakham-ma.gov>, Lancaster EMD Fleck  
<jfleck at lancasterma.net>, Harvard EMD Mignard  
<rmignard at harvard.ma.us>, jflanagan at boylston-ma.gov,  
shanleyjm at yahoo.com, Tolland Deputy EMD Duggan <hduggan555 at aol.com>,  
Wilbraham EMD Nothe <fnothe at wilbraham-ma.gov>, Wendell EMD Ricketts  
<zchef at crocker.com>, Monroe EMD Nash <dnash at detma.org>, New Ashford  
EMD Kelly <newashfordemd at gmail.com>, Lunenburg EMD Glenny  
<sfglenny at lunenburgonline.com>, Holden EMD Chandler  
<jchandler at townofholden.net>, Ashburnham EMD Zbikowski  
<2c at ashburnhamfd.com>, Hatfield EMD Donaldson  
<Robertd at townofhatfield.org>, East Longmeadow Deputy EMD Morrisino  
<fpmjelm at aol.com>, Russell EMD Mulligan <tmulligan at russellma.net>,  
Palmer EMD Elliott <donald5920 at comcast.net>, "Montague EMD Escott,  
Jr." <tf23 at comcast.net>, Rutland EMD Ruchala  
<firechief at townofrutland.org>, Leominster EMD Coggins  
<ccoggins at leominster-ma.gov>, Granby EMD McPherson  
<jemjeffmcpherson at netscape.net>, Chicopee EMD Burkott  
<sburkott at chicopeema.gov>, Greenfield EMD Strahan  
<robert80 at townofgreenfield.org>, Shrewsbury Deputy EMD Fiske  
<rfiske at pd.ci.shrewsbury.ma.us>, Shrewsbury EMD Taylor  
<ataylor at townisp.com>, DPH-OEMS-BAndrews <bkandrews at countyamb.com>,  
Grafton EMD Mead <ray.mead at genesishcc.com>, Auburn EMD Dean  
<auburnoem at aol.com>, Williamsburg EMD Cotton  
<cottonj at williamsburgpd.org>, Whately EMD Sibley  
<tclerk2 at comcast.net>, Heath EMD Lively <timlively2000 at yahoo.com>,  
Worcester Deputy EMD Montiverdi <montiverdic at ci.worcester.ma.us>,  
dudleyfirechief at charter.net, Ludlow EMD Chaconas <lfdc1 at ludlow.ma.us>,  
Deerfield Deputy EMD Smith <zsmith at town.deerfield.ma.us>, Savoy EMD  
Krutiak <townofsavoy at verizon.net>, Oxford EMD Wilson  
<jwilson at town.oxford.ma.us>, Brookfield EMD Karrmann  
<ltturbo at charter.net>, Athol EMD Wright <firechief at townofathol.org>,  
Berkshire Medical Center Britton <lbritton at bhs1.org>, Pittsfield EMD  
Czerwinski <bczerwinski at pittsfieldch.com>, Becket EMD Tarjick  
<emd at townofbecket.org>, Clinton EMD Zapantis <czapantis at comcast.net>,  
East Longmeadow EMD Brady <rbrady at eastlongmeadowma.gov>, Lee EMD  
Glidden <chiefglidden at yahoo.com>, Gardner EMD Topolski  
<paul.topolski at comcast.net>, Pelham EMD Thomann <gmann612 at yahoo.com>,  
Ware EMD Hoskin <emdtownofware at comcast.net>, Leverett EMD Field  
<jmfield at ehs.umass.edu>, Washington EMD Mikaniewicz  
<devbo5 at yahoo.com>, Hancock EMD Traver <dandsgunworks1 at aol.com>,  
Tyringham EMD Curtin <tvfci at aol.com>, Worcester EMD Clemons  
<clemonsd at ci.worcester.ma.us>, Easthampton EMD Mottor  
<dmottor at easthampton.org>, Clarksburg EMD Canales  
<clarksburgta at verizon.net>, Alford EMD McCormick  
<emccormick at mccormicklegal.com>, Bolton EMD Moses  
<emd at townofbolton.com>, hadleyfire at charterinternet.com, Colrain EMD  
Sullivan <colrainemd at yahoo.com>, Shelburne EMD Taylor  
<emd at townofshelburne.com>, Westminster EMD MacAloney  
<firechief at westminster-ma.gov>, Barre EMD Graves  
<tgraves at townofbarre.com>, Monson EMD Bedson  
<jeremy.bedson at comcast.net>, Buckland EMD Phillips  
<phillips32med1 at msn.com>, Shutesbury EMD Tibbetts  
<shtsbyemd at yahoo.com>, Northbridge EMD West  
<nema at northbridgemass.org>, emadison at longmeadow.org, Ashfield EMD  
Field <aFD at ashfield.org>, Warwick EMD Erviti <itibiti at gis.net>,  
Douglas EMD Marks <dgonynor at douglasma.org>, Leyden EMD Galvis  
<chiefgalvis at hotmail.com>, North Adams EMD Morocco  
<jmorocco at northadams-ma.gov>, Sheffield EMD McGarry  
<jmcgarry at sheffieldpd.com>, Great Barrington EMD Walsh  
<wwalsh at townofgb.org>, Webster EMD Jolda <websterres4cue at aol.com>,  
Sturbridge EMD Ford <tford at town.sturbridge.ma.us>, Templeton EMD  
Curtis <ka1qga at gmail.com>, South Hadley EMD Price  
<frosty01 at mapinternet.com>, Russell Deputy EMD Girard  
<rgirard at agawam.ma.us>, Tolland EMD Locke <CDLTFL at msn.com>,  
Stockbridge EMD Muir <emd at townofstockbridge.com>, Adams EMD Kleiner  
<rgkleiner at albany.twcbc.com>, West Brookfield EMD O'Donnell  
<ctodonnell at wbrookfield.com>, Upton EMD Kemp <bkemp.ems at upton.ma.us>,  
Northborough EMD Durgin <ddurgin at town.northborough.ma.us>, Berlin EMD  
Bartlett <accountant at townofberlin.com>, Westfield EMD Wiggs  
<J.Wiggs at cityofwestfield.org>, Conway EMD Strzegowski  
<joes at hardigg.com>, Hinsdale EMD Bolduc <rrboldu at berkshire.net>, North  
Brookfield EMD Blood <Nbema at nbschools.org>, Otis EMD Sarnacki  
<rsarnacki at gmail.com>, Sutton EMD Maynard  
<pmaynard at town.sutton.ma.us>, East Brookfield EMD Messenger  
<ebrookfieldmema at verizon.net>, Bolton EMD Casello  
<emdpeter at gmail.com>, bpduggan at comcast.net, chiefrichsmall at msn.com,  
Southwick EMD Dunlap <ema at southwickma.net>, East Longmeadow Deputy EMD  
Falk <bfalk at eastlongmeadowma.gov>, Peru EMD Hoag  
<emd at townofperuma.com>, Blackstone EMD Poirier  
<mpoirier at mendonpublicsafety.com>, Devens EMD Garrity  
<tgarrity at massdevelopment.com>, d.labrie1 at verizon.net, Monterey EMD  
Backhaus <mpd at berkshire.net>, Lenox EMD Clifford  
<dclifford at townoflenox.com>, Charlton EMD Ekman  
<carl.ekman at townofcharlton.net>, Winchendon EMD Abare  
<health at town.winchendon.ma.us>, West Boylston EMD Pauley  
<rpauley at westboylstonfire.org>, West Springfield EMD Connor  
<connorg at westspringfieldpolice.org>, Springfield EMD Hassett  
<rhassett at springfieldcityhall.com>, Holland EMD McDonald  
<mac5816 at aol.com>, Colrain Tracey Baronas <colacct at mtdata.com>,  
Windsor EMD Pyskaty <windsorchiefpyskaty at yahoo.com>, Princeton EMD  
LaPorte <chieflaporte at princetonfd.org>, Petersham EMD Legare  
<hilltopchief at verizon.net>, Plainfield EMD Taylor  
<mertjr at verizon.net>, Erving EMD LaClaire <jofflin at yahoo.com>,  
Deerfield EMD Gilmore <mgilmor at entergy.com>, Richmond EMD Grizey  
<tggrizey at aol.com>, Fitchburg EMD Curran <kcurran at fitchburgfire.org>,  
Easthampton Deputy EMD Del Pozzo <sdelpozzo at verizon.net>, Southampton  
EMD Cauley <ECauley at town.southampton.ma.us>, Sunderland EMD Ahearn  
<sunderlandfire at comcast.net>, Orange EMD Vanbobo <ore.emd at gmail.com>,  
Sandisfield EMD Burrows <jtburrows at verizon.net>, West Stockbridge EMD  
Oggiani <loggiani at verizon.net>, Florida EMD Dobbert  
<townadmin at floridamass.net>

Good afternoon,

MEMA will be having a Conference Call at 1700 hours today with the  
National Weather Service for Emergency Management Directors and the  
Massachusetts Emergency Management Team to discuss this week's  
rainfall and flooding potential.  The call in number is:  (888)  
469-1984 and the Passcode is: 2136300. 

Below is the summary of the 2:00 pm NWS Taunton Conference Call.   

Regional Managers, please forward this to your Community EMDs.


2:00 PM Sunday March 27, 2010

**Long duration rain and flood producing event from a slow moving low  
pressure system***

***Anyone with interests along rivers and streams throughout southern  
New England should pay close attention to watches and warnings...and  
monitor their neighborhood stream and river levels during the next few  

Storm and rain summary...
Low pressure system crossing the Midwest this afternoon will advance  
somewhat eastward this evening...with a coastal storm taking shape  
Sunday night into Monday...most likely emerging off of the Carolina  
coast Monday evening.  The storm tracks up the mid Atlantic coast,  
tracking south of Nantucket for Wednesday, then out to sea after that.

Some patchy rain will be possible late this afternoon and evening,  
well ahead of these systems. It's possible we'll get a little mix  
w/snow in the very far interior this evening.

More solid rain moves into CT and western MA after midnight tonight,  
up to 0.5" to 1" by daybreak CT Valley.  The rain reaches Boston  
generally after midnight tonight, becoming moderate for mid morning.  
Rain should be increasing in intensity for morning commute, but  
holding off on flooding.

A Flood Watch has been posted for Monday afternoon through Tuesday  
afternoon for the majority of WFO Taunton's County Warning Area.  The  
watch encompasses southwest NH, most of MA (excluding the Cape and  
Islands, and Berkshire is included in WFO Albany's Watch), northern CT  
and all of RI.

In collaboration with our surrounding offices...rainfall totals of 3  
to 6" across the region (except less of the Cape and Islands) through  
Tuesday PM.   Locally higher amounts are not out of the question. By  
the time we get to Tuesday PM, the majority of flood warnings that  
would be issued, should be in place.

Flood impacts summary...
3-6" produces widespread minor to moderate stream and river flooding,  
with significant urban flooding.  There is the potential for areas of  
major flooding.  This is an awful lot of rain to begin with, but with  
rivers and steams so high and a couple still in flood, we are in a  
very vulnerable position.

It is difficult to pinpoint who will see major flooding.  But we do  
want to mention in particular the Pawtuxet...the potential exists for  
a major flood event on the Pawtuxet. It is possible that moderate  
flooding could be reached Tuesday afternoon, with major possible  
Tuesday evening.  Please note that this is a contingency. 

There will likely be a period of strong onshore winds late Mon night  
into Tue morning along the coastline, with a wind advisory probable  
for this area as we get closer to the event.  Southeast to easterly  
winds, gusts to 35 to 45 mph possible. Could down some trees/limbs.

Coastal Flooding...
For the south coast, minor coastal flooding is possible for the upper  
part of Narragansett Bay for Monday morning (around 8 AM) and possibly  
again for a broader reach of the Rhode Island and Massachusetts coast,  
including the usual vulnerable spots from Westerly to Wareham.  A  
storm surge of 1.5 to 2 feet could cause a storm tide near 7 feet for  
the Fox Point hurricane barrier Monday morning and evening.   
Additional minor coastal flooding is possible during the Tuesday high  
tides as well, but confidence is lower.

For the Massachusetts east coast from Newburyport to Chatham, minor  
coastal flooding looks likely for the Tuesday midday and night tides  
with moderate coastal flooding a possibility, especially north of  
Boston to Newburyport.  In addition, the combination of elevated tides  
and heavy fresh water runoff during Tuesday midday may cause backup  
flooding along the usual locations, such as Morrissey Boulevard in  
Boston.  At the present time, we are anticipating a storm surge of 1.5  
to 2 feet for the Tuesday high tides and seas 10 to 15 feet a little  

Significant beach erosion is also possible for the Tuesday midday and  
night tides along exposed Massachusetts east facing beaches.  This  
could be especially problematic for those locations left vulnerable  
from prior events this winter.

Next Call...

Next call is scheduled for Monday morning at 10 AM.


Michael L. Raskin
Associate Director
Operations and Field Services
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
400 Worcester Road
Framingham, MA 01702-5399
Office:   508.820.1422
Main:     508.820.2000
Cell:       617.828.5852
Fax:       508.820.2030
www.mass.gov/mema <file://www.mass.gov/mema[1]> 
Follow MEMA on Facebook & Twitter

----- End forwarded message -----

[1] file://www.mass.gov/mema

-------------- next part --------------
Good afternoon, 

MEMA will be having a Conference Call at 1700 hours today with the National Weather Service for Emergency Management Directors and the Massachusetts Emergency Management Team to discuss this week's rainfall and flooding potential.  The call in number is:  (888) 469-1984 and the Passcode is: 2136300.  

Below is the summary of the 2:00 pm NWS Taunton Conference Call.    

Regional Managers, please forward this to your Community EMDs. 


2:00 PM Sunday March 27, 2010

**Long duration rain and flood producing event from a slow moving low pressure system*** 

***Anyone with interests along rivers and streams throughout southern New England should pay close attention to watches and warnings...and monitor their neighborhood stream and river levels during the next few days***

Storm and rain summary... 
Low pressure system crossing the Midwest this afternoon will advance somewhat eastward this evening...with a coastal storm taking shape Sunday night into Monday...most likely emerging off of the Carolina coast Monday evening.  The storm tracks up the mid Atlantic coast, tracking south of Nantucket for Wednesday, then out to sea after that. 

Some patchy rain will be possible late this afternoon and evening, well ahead of these systems. It's possible we'll get a little mix w/snow in the very far interior this evening. 

More solid rain moves into CT and western MA after midnight tonight, up to 0.5" to 1" by daybreak CT Valley.  The rain reaches Boston generally after midnight tonight, becoming moderate for mid morning. Rain should be increasing in intensity for morning commute, but holding off on flooding. 

A Flood Watch has been posted for Monday afternoon through Tuesday afternoon for the majority of WFO Taunton's County Warning Area.  The watch encompasses southwest NH, most of MA (excluding the Cape and Islands, and Berkshire is included in WFO Albany's Watch), northern CT and all of RI. 

In collaboration with our surrounding offices...rainfall totals of 3 to 6" across the region (except less of the Cape and Islands) through Tuesday PM.   Locally higher amounts are not out of the question. By the time we get to Tuesday PM, the majority of flood warnings that would be issued, should be in place. 

Flood impacts summary... 
3-6" produces widespread minor to moderate stream and river flooding, with significant urban flooding.  There is the potential for areas of major flooding.  This is an awful lot of rain to begin with, but with rivers and steams so high and a couple still in flood, we are in a very vulnerable position. 

It is difficult to pinpoint who will see major flooding.  But we do want to mention in particular the Pawtuxet...the potential exists for a major flood event on the Pawtuxet. It is possible that moderate flooding could be reached Tuesday afternoon, with major possible Tuesday evening.  Please note that this is a contingency.  

There will likely be a period of strong onshore winds late Mon night into Tue morning along the coastline, with a wind advisory probable for this area as we get closer to the event.  Southeast to easterly winds, gusts to 35 to 45 mph possible. Could down some trees/limbs.

Coastal Flooding... 
For the south coast, minor coastal flooding is possible for the upper part of Narragansett Bay for Monday morning (around 8 AM) and possibly again for a broader reach of the Rhode Island and Massachusetts coast, including the usual vulnerable spots from Westerly to Wareham.  A storm surge of 1.5 to 2 feet could cause a storm tide near 7 feet for the Fox Point hurricane barrier Monday morning and evening.  Additional minor coastal flooding is possible during the Tuesday high tides as well, but confidence is lower.

For the Massachusetts east coast from Newburyport to Chatham, minor coastal flooding looks likely for the Tuesday midday and night tides with moderate coastal flooding a possibility, especially north of Boston to Newburyport.  In addition, the combination of elevated tides and heavy fresh water runoff during Tuesday midday may cause backup flooding along the usual locations, such as Morrissey Boulevard in Boston.  At the present time, we are anticipating a storm surge of 1.5 to 2 feet for the Tuesday high tides and seas 10 to 15 feet a little offshore.

Significant beach erosion is also possible for the Tuesday midday and night tides along exposed Massachusetts east facing beaches.  This could be especially problematic for those locations left vulnerable from prior events this winter.

Next Call... 

Next call is scheduled for Monday morning at 10 AM. 


Michael L. Raskin 
Associate Director 
Operations and Field Services 
Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency 
400 Worcester Road 
Framingham, MA 01702-5399 
Office:   508.820.1422 
Main:     508.820.2000 
Cell:       617.828.5852 
Fax:       508.820.2030 
www.mass.gov/mema <file://www.mass.gov/mema>  
Follow MEMA on Facebook & Twitter 

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