[HFDlist] Natuional Fire Academy

jchandler at townofholden.net jchandler at townofholden.net
Tue Jul 3 09:23:08 EDT 2007

Here is the information on this year's national Academy weekend. Members who want to go should fill out the forms and get the chief to sign them. The department will reimburse approved members for the $125 fee after the class. Members are responsible for all other costs associated with going.

In order to get the classes you want you should get your application in ASAP!


(If you want to go but can not afford the up front costs please come see me.)

Massachusetts Department of Fire Services Sixth Annual State Weekend

The following programs will be offered at State Weekend this year.
Please select from the list below your top three choices. If you have
only selected one and that program is full, then you application will
not be accepted. Every effort will be made to accommodate your first
requests, however, course placement cannot be guaranteed. All courses
are a priority selection. All applicants will receive a letter that will
state whether or not they have been selected for the program(s)

Number Code Course Name

355 CFPACP Comp. Fire Prot, in Commercial Property
356 FBSFR Fire Behavior in a Single-Family Residence

Note: The above two courses are new single day offerings and must be
taken together, both should be listed on your application.

This program offers a weekend at the National Fire Academy of intense
training in three of the following courses:

Number Code Course Name

604 MCE Managing in a Changing Environment
458 PICO Preparation for Initial Company Operations
602 STF Shaping the Future
455 STICO Strategy and Tactics for Initial Company
290 TOSD Training Operations in Small Departments

New Courses Offered by the Massachusetts Department of Fire Services:

Number Code Course Name

MA1 PFSAP Preparing for Assessment Processes - G. Klauber
MA2 SMCO Stress Management for Officers - H. Duggan

Fee: $125.00

Method of payment: Personal or bank check or money order.
Payable to: Massachusetts Firefighting Academy Trust Fund

Application Procedure: This is a Priority Selection course.
1. Massachusetts Department of Fire Services State Weekend Registration
Form (See below attachment)
2. FEMA Form 75-5A (See below attachment)
3. Massachusetts Department of Fire Service State Weekend Application
Checklist and payment must be received by 1700 on August 10, 2007 (See
below attachment) at the:

Department of Fire Services, Massachusetts Firefighting Academy.
P.O. Box 1025, State Road
Stow, MA 01775

EMS: Depends upon the specific course

Dates/Time: September 21, 22 & 23, 2007/0800-1700

Location: National Fire Academy
South Seton Avenue
Emmitsburg, MD 

Jack Chandler, Chief
Holden Fire Department
1384 Main Street
Holden, Massachusetts 01520
Ph: 508-829-0266
Fx: 508-829-4411
JChandler at TownofHolden.net

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