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<p>Good Morning,</p>
<p>As of July 1st, the Wachusett RECC will officially be an
independent department, no longer structured under Holden PD. With
the change, efforts are being made to progress dispatch to
function more as a true regional dispatch center. Part of this
effort has involved regular meetings with the involved Fire
departments to standardize communications and procedures.</p>
<p>One of the first changes that are being implemented is how
dispatch is hailed. Effected today, dispatch will be hailed as
"FIRE ALARM". "Holden Fire" will no longer be used. Additionally,
all Holden apparatus will now use the mid state designation
number, "14" before the apparatus number. For example. Ambulance 4
will now be designated "14 A4"</p>
<p>It important to continue to use the concept, <i>"Hey you, its me</i>"
when communicating over the radio. This ensures who you are
hailing over the radio, keys into the message being delivered.</p>
<p>In summary, the new style of radio communications should sound
like the following:</p>
<p>"Fire Alarm from 14 Engine 2"</p>
<p>"Fire Alarm answering 14 Engine 2"</p>
<p>"14 Engine 2 is arriving at the scene"</p>
<p>I understand this is a big change for all of us and will take
some getting used to of. If you have issues, concerns, feedback
moving forward, please reach out.</p>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
Sean M. Smith
Deputy Chief
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
Phone: 508)210-5650</pre>