<p>Good Morning everyone,</p><p>This year the Firefighters muster will be held
in Holden for it's 275th Anniversary. There are a few openings on the team this
year. If anyone is interested in competing please email me. For those that are
not familiar with what a muster is, here is a link to when the Muster was in
Holden last, in 2011. The muster in town drew a very large crowd.It's a great
time and everyone has fun.</p><p>Let's bring the championship back to Holden
with a great muster team! We look forward to hearing back from those
interested. An email will be sent to those interested to let them know when the
next muster meeting will be.</p><p>On a separate note, here's an example of the
power of good social media. The picture of those that participated in the MS
stair climb, received 8,725 hits! People are interested in what the Department
is up to. I have yet to receive any negative comments from anyone, anywhere.
Which is surprising!</p><p>Thank you and again, we look forward to hearing from
those interested in participating in the muster.</p><p></p><p></p><p>David
Chapin<br />
Lieutenant/EMT<br />
SAFE Coordinator<br />
Holden Fire Department<br />
1370 Main St.<br />
Holden, MA 01520</p>